Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Wasting Work Time

In response to Matt's comment on my most recent post (practically my most recent run), I must admit I haven't been posting simply because I haven't been running. It's so hard to fit into the schedule. If I don't do it now, it won't get done, and "now" usually means before work.

That being said, last night at 9:30 (after the boys were in bed) I managed to fit in 3 miles on the boring treadmill at 7.0 (which I think is roughly 8:35's).

I'm going to try and get in another 3 miles during my lunch break today, but who knows if that'll actually happen. If I'm not wasting work time posting my workouts, can I really waste work time running?

1 comment:

Matty said...

I feel your pain brother. I have a hard time getting my lazy butt to run in the morning and I don't really need to get to work until 8 or 8:30! I can't imagine needing to run pre-6:30. I do envy you and Aaron's ability to run during a lunch break, shower and get back to the grind.

Keep it going and we'll get together sometime for a long run.