Friday, May 11, 2007

Lazy Friday

I was feeling lethargic this morning so I casually coasted my way to a 8 min/mile 5k despite my desire to skip the day completely. I need to get myself up to more weekly mileage and 3.1/day isn't going to do it. I think it will come...maybe. Yesterday - before I became a poster on this blog - I made the following statement in a comment:

I am suspicious of the chronometer this morning. I pulled a full 5k in 21:34 which equates to just under 7s/mile.

Having done the same out and back 5k route most days for over a week, I can now say that I have even less confidence in the ol' Forerunner's accuracy. In the last 3 days, I have made the turnaround at 3 different points with about 60-80 yards of variance. I don't think this disqualifies the speedy effort mentioned above, but it certainly makes me want to get a solid turnaround position for consistency.

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