Friday, May 11, 2007

4:30 in the morning

It's not uncommon for me to be restless as night, and I just couldn't go back to sleep after a 1:30-ish wakeup by the younger boy. I'm going crazy over the potential job opportunity I'm looking into, and the "snoring" standby light of my laptop seemed incredibly bright in the wee hours. So I got up and read a book for a while, and then at 4:30, pulled on some running shorts and a long sleeve shirt, strapped on my Garmin forerunner and my mp3 player, and headed out the door.

I did the same 6 mile route I did a few Wednesdays ago in 8:25's. From home, north on Academy to the light pole at Dublin and back. Saw a few cyclists and watched the sunlight fill the dark morning sky. It was pretty nice, though my hands were cold from running through the sprinklers watering the sidewalks.

The Regional Track and Field meet starts today, and I'm excited (and a little nervous) about the 1600m.

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